Windows XP End of Life

After 13 years in service, Windows XP has served its time as an operating system and Microsoft has discontinued support of this product as of 8 April 2014. This means that Microsoft will no loger develop and distribute new security updates for the operating system. Particularly for automation systems which are built into cross-divisional network architectures, open vulnerabilities can lead to problems for system availability and data security.

Deleproject AG is also aware of this problem for our customers and gladly provides assistance putting together migration plans.

In our projects, we constantly employ the latest technologies and can draw on a wealth of experience with migration projects. Here, each migration project is unique. As a result, the conceptual design is done in close collaboration with the end users, taking account of existing infrastructure. Deleproject AG offers you a free initial analysis, including developing the basic migration concept. If you are interested, we would be delighted to heat from you.

Copadata Registered Partner

We proudly announce that Deleproject AG has become listed as a Registered Partner with Copadata and now is able to offer services related to the ZENON product, in close cooperation with the system supplier.

Zenon comprises the following modules:

  • zenon® Analyzer: Dynamic Production Reporting
  • zenon® Supervisor: Independent SCADA System
  • zenon® Operator: Embedded HMI System
  • zenon® Logic: Integrated PLC System



Die SINDEX ist die grösste Technologiemesse der Schweiz und findet vom 2. bis 4. September 2014 in Bern statt. An der SINDEX 2014 werden über 300 Aussteller die neusten Trends und Technologien präsentieren – von Einzelkomponenten bis zu Gesamtlösungen, vom Stecker bis zum Simulations-Tool.

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Nestlé MES Library

For some time, Deleproject AG has been providing comprehensive MES (Manufacturing Execution System) services. With a lot of experience, Deleproject AG already developed its own MES software.

Since November 2013, Deleproject has also been offering MES services for the Nestlé MES Library. Joachim Müller (left) and Tobias Bächtold (right) underwent a week of extensive Nestlé CO Engineering training at Nestlé HQ in Vevey (see photo). In the meantime, they have already been able to put their new knowledge into practice in a Nestlé project.

Deleproject AG also seeks to deploy these skills in other projects. For MES, Deleproject AG provides the following services:

• Requirements Management (URS) in accordance with ANSI/ISA-S95
• MES Application Engineering
• MES System Engineering

Our engineers are happy to provide you with advice on these matters.


Since August 2013, Deleproject AG has also been providing engineering services for the SIMATIC PCS7 DCS (Distributed Control System) from Siemens.

SIMATIC PCS 7 combines a unique, scalable architecture with powerful engineering tools and many tightly integrated additional functions such as alarm management, route control, process safety and asset management: everything needed to automate the entire production process consistently and safely, from receiving to shipping, in both manufacturing and process plants.

Our engineers were trained by Siemens and have been working intensively with the system. The main technologies are as follows:

• SIMATIC PCS7 Engineering System
• SIMATIC PCS7 Operator Stations
• SIMATIC PCS7 Route Control
• SIMATIC PCS7 Advanced Process Library
• SIMATIC PCS7 Controller including redundancy

Information from the manufacturer on SIMATIC PCS7 can be found by following this link: SIMATIC PCS7

Deleproject AG considers the technology to be full of potential. We are happy to introduce the technology to you and to develop quotes as and when you need them.

Information Discipline

Rockwell Automation refined its Recognized System Integrator (RCSI) programme, dividing it into different disciplines. Previously an RcSI with Control Discipline, Deleproject AG is now also a member of Information Discipline.

Information Discipline is open to the most demanding companies; ones that can demonstrate experience and profound know-how in manufacturing intelligence, and can also put this into use with Rockwell Software FactoryTalk® Suite products.

Examples of applications include product data capture, efficiency measurement, historising data, maintenance systems, production information, etc.
Information Discipline focuses on the following products:

  • FactoryTalk® VantagePoint
  • FactoryTalk® Historian
  • FactoryTalk® Metrics
  • FactoryTalk® AssetCentre

Deleproject AG is ready for many exciting projects.